Showing posts with label temporary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label temporary. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"New" Phone

Remember my phone dilemma mentioned in the previous post?
I received the digitizer, did some more research, and definitely decided to return it. Apparently, not only is it almost impossible to replace lcd/screen parts separately, it's a complete scam. Surprise, surprise.
Strangely enough, my seller bumped up the product price to about $60 after my purchase - which was a mere $10 in comparison.

I decided to get:
 The LG Vortex (VS660)

An iPhone to a low budget smartphone, what an upgrade huh? 
Despite the sarcasm, I'm actually really really grateful to have been able to find such a great deal. The description says the phone is really scratched up and stuff, but what matters (to moi) is that it functions perfectly. Its only a month or two; I should be able to make due!

I tried eBaying some cases to cover up the dings, but they're all so expensive! Like, almost as expensive as what I paid for the phone! What happened to all the Chinese sellers who have cases for a dollar? Non-existent for this phone. Hmm, I'm going to try finding decals next.. 

I guess the Vortex can also function as a good transition from iOS to Android, since I'm planning on eventually upgrading to the SIII or SIV. I can use some practice.
Life is SO slooooow without a phone.