Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013


How have I used iOS all this time?
Gooooo Droid!

So I received my LG Voyager not too long ago and have been customizing the HECK out of it.
The only thing is..the phone only comes with 170 MB internal memory -.-..
Even old school mp3 players come with larger minimum storage capabilities! (Usually 250 MB..)
So I ended up downloading all these cool home screen launchers, aka customization/themes to make the home screen look awesome, but couldn't keep them cause they were taking up too much space. I also had to run out and buy an SD card for other apps (some apps can be stored on the SD card, but home launchers cannot).
So I searched, and searched for the most lightweight launcher and found..
It's seriously amazing stuff; if you have an old-school/basic smartphone with tiny internal memory, this is the launcher for you! It is available for free at the google play store and is only 196 KB :)
Even better, it's super liberating cause it has absolutely no restrictions. You can make icons any size/place anywhere/etc.
Not going to lie, for a first timer like me it was pretty overwhelming. But seriously, its SO easy to catch on to! I decided to stick to a simple horizontal scroll layout with the five docks on the bottom. I ended up with:

Isn't it preetttty? 
Hehe. Another great thing about the launcher is that you get to hide bloatware (un-deletable apps) and change icon fonts (I'm using helvetica).

The widget I used on top is Glass Widgets , again free and only ~180 KB; much better than the ugly stock weather widget.

On other things, just purchased two "Focco" bags on eBay.
They are basically bags inspired by Alexander Wang's Cocco/Rocco, but are GUILT FREE aka vegan. They also come with a much smaller price tag. The ones I got are in black with gold hardware and grey with silver hardware:
1. Black/gold 2. Grey/Silver

I got these in two colors mainly because I wanted something with silver hardware, and something that was an alternative to black. I didn't like the black/silver combination because it looked a bit cheap, but the grey looks phenomenal in all the blog posts I've seen about it. I'm not a fan of grey paired with warm tones so the choice only seemed natural. I purchased from this seller, for $31.50.

In closing, a random OOTD from the past week..
Okay, so more like just a self shot.

Awkward smile+glasses+bummy outfit, but the point is the pretty phone! 
Idk why I'm so happy with it honestly lol...Best $20 ever spent?